Writers: Sam Raimi, Ivan Raimi
Release Date: 27 May 2009 (UK)
Genre: Horror/ Thriller
Producers: Grant Curtis (producer), Joshua Donen (executive producer), Joseph Drake (executive producer), Nathan Kahane (executive producer), Ivan Raimi (associate producer, co-producer), Sam Raimi (producer), Cristen Carr Strubbe (co-producer), Robert G. Tapert (producer)
Production Companies: Universal Pictures, Ghost House Pictures, Buckaroo Entertainment, Mandate Pictures, Tippett Studio
Distributors: Blega Fils, GAGA, Metropolitan Filexport, RCV Film Distribution, Saigon Movies Media, Scanbox Entertainment, United International Picture (UIP), Universal Pictures Canada, Universal Pictures, Viva International Pictures, CatchPlay, Golden Screen Cinemas, Golden Village Pictures, Hollywood Classic Entertainment, Kam & Ronson Enterprise Co, Lionsgate, Paramount, Prorom Media-Trade, RCV Home Entertainment, Spentzos Films, Universal Studios Home Entertainment,
Special Effects: ReThink VFX, Curv Studios, Michael Kaelin & Associates, Tippett Studio, i.e. Effects
Sound Mix: SDDS, Dolby Digital, DTS
Drag Me To Hell is a Horror, however it features a lot of conventions of a Thriller film. As the film is a sub-genre, it still uses common aspects of the Thriller genre but within a Horror story line.
The narrative structure of the film follows Todorov's theory- It begins with an equilibrium which is then disrupted, causing a disequilibrium, sparking off a series of events. His theory then says that the problems are solved, restoring the equilibrium. However, in Drag Me To Hell, the end equilibrium is then disturbed once again to create a shocking ending.
It is common for characters in Thrillers to back up towards something; It is an action that makes the audience feel that the character is disoriented and it is also a kind of premonition that a bad event is about to occur. Fear is created through shadows in this film also; a convention that is utilised in most Thriller films. The use of rain, wet streets and dark lighting are also common aspects of Thrillers that have been used in this Horror. A location that particularly stood out to me in Drag Me To Hell was the car park- this is very generic of a Thriller as the location is an enclosed space, connoting claustrophobia. The lighting in a car park is quite dim; there are a lot of dark, shadowy places for people to lurk. It is an ominous location.
Sone useful points on how the Director of this film utilses thriller genre conventions. I'd strongly advise you to read the coursework booklet and shape your analysis around key media concepts outlines.