Wednesday, 21 April 2010



Throughout the research stages, I have watched various Thriller texts. From this, I have gained an informed understanding of the conventions and have used them in my film. My groups film “Constriction” was primarily influenced by the cinematography demonstrated in “The Third Man” and” Alfred Hitchcock's "Psycho" and "The Birds"; we used the film noir sub-genre and the specific conventions of that sub-genre to inform our costume, soundtrack and overall style. As a group, we really liked the use of chiaroscuro lighting and the black and white quality of” “The Third Man”. The film utilised noir lighting, shadows and wet cobbled streets- all effects that are seen in Carol Reed’s masterpiece. Some may state that the reasons for these features are to create and sustain tension within the film and to signify generic conventions of the thriller genre; those reasons are particularly why we chose to inform our film opening around the film noir sub-genre.

The dim lighting and shadows generate apprehension and are devices put in place to keep the audience hooked. Using wet-cobbled streets and monotonous weather suggests pathetic fallacy and the way in which rain may suggest danger and shocking future events. These were qualities that we considered when shooting our film; something I have seen in films such as "Se7en”, “Jackie Brown”, and “The Third Man”; it is even utilised in Horror films such as “Drag Me to Hell”. Unfortunately, it wasn’t raining when we shot our thriller opening, so we didn’t get to utilise the same kind of wet cobbled streets seen in ‘The Third Man’ but we still tried to take advantage of the cobbled road and aged buildings surrounding Elm Hill. This particular location was chosen because it relates to the deserted streets of post-war Vienna that are shown in "The Third Man"; the street has old English houses, antique shops and is usually quite desolate which are features that visually link the two locations.

(Jackie Brown)


The irony and binary oppositions used in “Psycho” informed our use of the snake and the bird, representing vulnerability and predatory behaviour like the character Norman Bates in “Psycho”. The snake and the bird are presented as opposites; the snake is more predatory and has fear associated with it whereas birds are smaller, more susceptible to danger and seen as less of a threat. Using just a male and female character in the opening shows opposition also, as the man is represented as powerful and large while the woman is considerably smaller in build and looks feminine and innocent. By presenting the male characters as supeerior, we were representing a very misogynistic world.

Tilt shots were used to connote disorientation and close ups were necessary for the narrative of our film opening to capture emotion and to emphasise and engage the audience in the action. The choice of location was made considering the genre; we made sure that the location looked dated but at the same time it had to be an area which connotes mystery and style. Elm Hill was a perfect choice because it has cobbled streets (like the location of “The Third Man”) and it also has mature buildings and alcoves; the alleyways are where darkness and misdeed fester. Generic Thriller character types were chosen for our film; we used a female as the lead character which is unusual to see in thriller films and her character type is a femme fatale. She is mysterious and you don’t really get to know anything about her in the opening- her appearance is quite feminine and glamorous however so it is clear that she is inspired by the classic deviant femme fatale. We dressed her in a fur coat, pearl necklace and clutch bag, all of which were inspired by 1940’s fashion and film noir thrillers that we have watched in class (“The Third man”, “Once Upon a Time in America”). Both of the male characters were dressed in long coats and their faces shadowed- we did this in order to create tension and a mystery. The running man wears a trilby hat with his coat, creating a silhouette similar to the enigmatic Harry Lime in “The Third Man” and the male characters in “Once Upon a Time in America” and “Psycho”. I have seen a few film posters for film noirs and the male costumes seem to be quite formal and reflect 1940’s fashion; it is apparent that the costume choices for males in film noirs were very similar which is probably because they were all made during or around the same time.

(Once Upon a Time in America)

(The Third Man)

The key aspect of our thriller opening was the use of Ryan’s snake; it instantly added a more frightening twist to the plot and is definitely fear provoking. When considering the idea, we thought about films like “Snakes on a Plane” and “Anaconda” and the way in which terror is caused by the snake. Although these two films are not thrillers, they still present snakes in a frightening way, taking advantage of their predatory nature, in some cases poisonous bite and constricting body. Many people have phobias of snakes and so it was undoubtedly a wise choice to include this in our thriller opening to gain more tension and provoke a lot more panic in the audience. Short flashes of footage of the snake slithering on the floor were placed throughout our film to suggest and make the audience aware that something bad is going to happen. Using the snake and bird as metaphors for Jason and Holly provoked us to bring to light the same kind of idea behind Marion Crane’s name in “Psycho” where her surname is used as a device to reiterate the personification of the bird that she is representing. Vipers are poisonous, deadly snakes and by using this as Jason's surname it indicates that he is influencial and capable of harm and certainly killing. His character creates further fear and curiosity during the film because the audience is never really aware of who he is in relation to Holly and his face is always obscured.


Even though the femme fatale is the main character of our film, she is represented as quite a weak, helpless character. This is the opposite of how the male characters are shown; both of the males are exposed as ominous and dangerous. Their body language suggests that they are strong and superior- this is backed up by the use of low angle and panning shots as well as the shape given to them by the large coats to indicate their threat. The low angle shots make the characters appear larger and overpowering and the panning shots create tension. The female victim is a traditional representation of the weak female, a representation associated with slasher films such as “I Know What You Did Last Summer” and “A Nightmare on Elm Street” where the female is always the powerless sufferer. The costumes of our characters imply that they are quite high class because they are well presented and have garments such as a fur coat, jewellery, trilby hat and an overcoat.The 1940's was represented by the location and costumes; we used a cigarette as a prop for Jason Viper because we were aware that smoking was typical during that era and seen as quite 'cool' and 'fashinable'. The fur coat and jewellery that Holly Dove wears connotes a high social status and could suggest that she belongs to a wealthy family; her appearance could make the events seem more shocking to the audience because they wouldn't necessarily believe her to be involved in anything untoward that would lead her to trouble. Good and evil were represented with the names, gender and camera angles used. For example, tilt shots, low angle shots and panning shots were used to capture Jason Viper making him seem powerful and the tilt shots creating disorientation therefore suggesting that he is a disorientated, uneasy character. Holly Dove on the other hand was shot using lots of close ups, capturing emotion in her face and making her character known more to the audience; not hidden or obscured like Jason Viper.

If we were to continue the film and produce a full production, the audience would be more aware of the characters’ backgrounds and the reasons behind the events that take place. The idea behind Holly Dove was that in the opening she appears to be quite vulnerable- this is suggested by the name given to her becaus doves are gentle and innocent looking birds. If the film was to be mad in full, her background would reveal a darker side to her. When hearing again recently about the murders of the five prostitutes in Ipswich it made me think of the kind of character profile we wanted for Holly Dove; this article proved to be a perfect true account of the more sinister backdrop we wanted Holly to have. The five victims were all young girls that in one way or another got involved in drugs and prostitution; this may not have been obvious from their appearance day to day and they were clearly all vulnerable and helpless enough to be asphyxiated and eventually murdered by a male. Holly Dove appears like any other woman and so the connection to these girls could easily be made especially seeing as all of their backgrounds (prostitution and drugs) were associated with their deaths. This more deviant side to Holly Dove reflects the stereotypical femme fatale more authentically as it shows that she is capable of corrupt behaviour.


When distributing my group’s film, it is likely that we will use an internet outlet such as Youtube, Facebook or a Blog website. Using the internet to distribute our film means that it can reach a wider audience and for a sustained time, making it the preferred option. Millions of people access Youtube regularly and many people use it to distribute films, music videos, animations etc. With the continuous introduction to new technologies and internet distribution, it is making it easier for anyone to make and distribute their own media productions. Posting the film on social networking sites and blogs means that our friends can watch the film and then spread feedback to us; word of mouth opportunities are obtainable too, allowing friends of friends to access the film and put wind in its sails. Technological convergence means that our audience can access our thriller film through their mobile phones or IPods as well because internet admittance is available and videos can be synced onto the devices. Another option, not involving the internet would be to enter my film in an independent or student film making competition but that would require me to create a short film. This would not be possible with my thriller opening because it is only two minutes long, but it's another option if i were to complete it in full.


I think that the audience for my Thriller film would be people that appreciate the style of the film noir sub-genre. Our film is a noir thriller which pays tribute to the classic 1940’s thrillers and so it is likely to appeal to people that are interested in vintage and are of the “indie” scene. The style of the film, including costume and music are not really modern or mainstream, meaning that it’s likely to appeal to art students and the independent film lover. As the film has been made from young people’s vision, our main target audience should be young adults. A 15-25 male and female demographic are best suited to our film but because of our very non-generic contemporary thriller, the audience will be more specific. As our film is in black and white, it may not appeal to a lot of people within this age group because there are not many contemporary black and white films. For success, we need to reach out to those people within our demographic that enjoy independent cinema and less mainstream features. “Schindler’s List” is a fantastic example of a successful contemporary black and white film text; “Control” is another great example of this and relates to my thriller in the way that it is signifying a specific era and paying tribute to it.


The best way to address an audience within our demographic was to find people that knew about film and media studies and therefore had a more open mind to our non-conventional contemporary thriller. I distributed the film to a group of year 13 media studies students on a computer and asked them to fill out a questionnaire for advice and opinion on my group’s thriller opening. The participants’ ages ranged between 17 and 18 and were a mix of male and female. The results of the questionnaires were very useful when refining our thriller opening because they indicated the best and worst qualities of our production which clearly highlighted the appeal and improvements needed to appeal to our target audience. A common fault noticed by the majority of the audience was that the narrative needed to be clearer and with a bit of revision, we moved the sequence so that it was clearer for the viewers and therefore more engaging.


When constructing our Thriller film, we had to think closely about lighting, camera angles and the equipment that we needed. Before the shoot, our group took individual turns learning how to work the camera and tripod. What was particularly useful was practicing camera angles on it to ensure that we were aware of the various shots needed in our film when shooting. Tilt shots, close ups and low angle shots were what we focused on mostly; the canted angle shot connotes disorientation and we were inspired to use it because of Carol reeds’ utilisation of it in “The Third man”.

Close ups are key to seeing the characters facial expressions/emotions and to reveal small but important parts of the mise en scene so it was necessary for us to be confident with them. The low angles shots were used in our thriller opening to make Jason Viper seem more powerful; this shot was probably the most difficult of the three shots because we were unable to use the tripod so we had to rely on our stable hands and make sure we got the right angle. Using digital still cameras at the beginning of the year to practice a large range of camera angles helped a lot with this also and applying the same techniques when using the camcorder was excellent revision of the skills.

We filmed our thriller opening in daylight because when trying to film at night, it was clear that we did not have powerful enough light sources, making the footage poor quality. We filmed on a few different occasions, so the lighting wasn’t consistent. However, we had decided on editing the footage into Black and White when planning for the film so the consistency of lighting was never our top priority. When editing, we had to remind ourselves how to capture the footage from the camera to the computer and then how to cut it where necessary. Because we filmed on separate occasions, it was a lot easier to edit for the reason that we got to edit small sections at a time; when adding the new footage, we just captured it and then sequenced it with what we had already edited. The soundtrack and Black and White effects were added towards the end to pull it all together but at times we added in the soundtrack to make sure it fitted appropriately. When changing shots around and adding them in, we made sure that we viewed it back each time to make the transitions as smooth and professional looking as possible.

We researched various thriller films through IMDB and Youtube as well as in class and independently, and so when editing we considered the transitions and amount of close ups used in other thriller films to mould ours. Throughout this unit of work, we have had to present all of our research and planning into the thriller genre onto our blogs; I have used blogs previously to this unit so I didn’t find it too hard use but certain aspects like embedding a video into a post I had to remind myself of. The introduction of it into our course means that we have been able to receive comments from our tutors online at home or at school, helping us to revise some of our work and making it easier to adapt. Using ‘Blogger’ means that we can also include stills from films and video clips from Youtube into our posts, something that would be impossible to do if we were working in books.


A lot more planning went into our Thriller film than the preliminary task. Working with the camera and camera angles in the preliminary task was very useful when it came to shooting our full product because we already had experience and it reflected our understanding of the 180 degree rule. Practicing key camera angles before the shoot of the full product and having rehearsed more previously meant that we improved our filming skills and gained better quality footage as a result. As we worked in groups for the preliminary task, we already knew that it was essential for everyone within the group to have a share of work in the production and editing of our thriller films- contributing ideas etc. My job within the group was to organise the shooting schedule and to plan the costume ideas. However, our group included everyone’s ideas collectively beforehand meaning that we all contributed equally to the shoot and edit. When shooting, each member of my group took turns to film sections of it and when watching the footage back we made a group decision on which was best and what needed to be in our final cut. The same group work took place when editing also; my specific role within it was to decide on the sequencing but we all did individual editing to it in our free periods and when others were ill. This method was successful because it meant that we all had an equal role and all had input towards the final product.

Much more thought went into costume choices in the full task because we had to make sure they looked 1940’s inspired and fitted the film noir sub-genre; this wasn’t something that was necessary when shooting our preliminary task. Freedom was given to us on the location choice for our full task which meant that each of our thriller openings were very unique and different whereas our preliminary task was shot at school so we didn’t need to research suitable areas. The same thing applied to the soundtrack also, because the preliminary task didn’t need long preparation or masses of research for a soundtrack.

The titles were the last thing that we included onto our full task and they were similar to the ones needed for our preliminary task; they weren’t time consuming and we decided to keep them quite simple so that they didn’t distract from the footage. We kept them to the top and bottom of the mise en scene to ensure that they didn’t obscure the film. The biggest problems that occurred near the end of our edit were the soundtrack decision and the rearranging of shots that was needed to make the narrative more simple and readable. To do this we needed to time stretch some of the shots and rearrange the order in which we placed them. Problems with our soundtrack lead us to pull the volume back up on our diegetic sounds which in the end worked very well and we introduced our original soundtrack idea just near the end of the footage.The soundrack we chose to use is called "Surrender" by The Soundies and is from the 1940's, we particularly liked this song because the lyrics gave quite an ironic tone to our film as it was much more upbeat than what was going on visually. The name of the song also suggests that the female character will have to surrender to the male, who is clearly dominant. It represents the era well and the darker, more sinister events at the end of the thriller opening were challenged by the romanticised and ironic music. The decision to introduce the soundtrack subtly at the end of our thriller opening was finalised after trying it out all the way through and getting feedback from some year 13 students. We thought that the film opening seemed too much like a trailer when the soundtrack lasted the full duration and by utilising the diegetic sounds in the majority of the footage, it creates a more eery, tense atmosphere. The heeled footsteps of Holly on the cobbled street and the unintensional bird sound are fairly chilling as they slice through the silence and almost foreshadow the upcoming events.

Monday, 22 March 2010

Mock Exam

This is my mock exam on the thriller film Kalifornia. I looked at representation, audience, narrative structure and conventions of the thriller genre when watching and note taking on this film.



Comments & Mark:

Technological Advancements in Film

This is an essay that i did on technological advancements in film for my film industry class in media. It was intended for practice for our exam in the summer and to help us gain information on the subject incase it appears in our exam.

Wednesday, 17 March 2010


Here are the storyboards that my group and I created. The narrative was structured using all of our opinions and we were all aware that when shooting and editing the film there would be evident changes needed due to too ambitious ideas and problems with our shooting schedule and location availabilities.

Thursday, 4 March 2010

Target Audience

Grange Hill: young teens

There is use of quite childish animation which at times is humerous. It is shown on CBBC which automatically makes the audience associate the show with children and the time slot of around 5pm indicates that the target audience is for children/ young teens.

Hollyoaks: teenagers/ young adults

They use lots of goodlooking actors to appeal to the audience. The use of gender/ sex symbols in the titles suggest that sex is referenced within the the show which makes the target audience more obvious. A pink and blue colour scheme shows that the show is for both male and female viewers and the time slot of 7pm indicates that the show is suitable for mid-teens onwards.

Hollyoaks Later: older teens/ young adults

This show clearly links to Hollyoaks because it includes a lot of the same characters; the black, silver and red colour scheme suggests that there is a lot more sexuality within in it and that it is much more glamorous than Hollyoaks. The time slot of 10.30 pm shows that it is likely to be intended for older teenagers and young adults.

Skins: older teens

Crazy, out of control parties, drugs, alcohol and loud music are all presented in the Skins opening. Current music is used and the events are quite relatable to teen life. The lifestyle shown is quite extreme and more of a desirable lifestyle for teens; the images shown aren't very glamorous but show excitement and quite a rebellious lifestyle that is enticing to the target audience. The time slot of 10pm indicates that it is for older teens and allows drug use, sex scenes etc to be shown.

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Conventions Within TV Dramas

Teen Drama:
Specific target audience social issues relevant to target audience- pregnancy, date rape, alcohol & drug addiction/abuse, sexuality, youth crime, relationships, anorexia, attractive characters, representational range of recognisable character types, authenticity.

Soap Operas:
Representation of crime, socially 'real' issues, narrative formula, never ends, dramatises significant/ real events, crime, death, alcohol/ drug abuse, social/ media events apparent.

Costume Dramas:
Links to classic novels/ plays, life very different to our own, significant/ real events.

Medical/ Hospital Dramas:
Sense of real time, based on true life, representation of crime, representation of health, narrative formula, socially 'real' issues.

Police/ crime Dramas:
Representation of crime, socially 'real' issues, narrative formula, sense of real time.

Celebrity focus or political, dramatise significant or real events.

TV Drama- Hollyoaks: Max's Death

The representation of death in this clip is initially quite dramatic. This is shown by the use of slow motion as Tom’s toy drops to the ground and the dramatic music. Having said this, the scene shows realism when Max is hit by the car because it is shown exactly as it is; it is true to life. The shot is fast and quite disorientating and Nile’s reaction after the cars impact is what you would expect of a car crash. I think that death is also romanticised in this because it is represented as a heroic act. Max ran into the road to save Tom; a selfless act that shows that he is a caring person. His death is only a sad moment for the people around him; he still seems to be as optimistic as ever, saying things like “Today’s the best day of my life” and “I love you”. All of these factors give death quite a positive tone as they are suggesting to the audience that even in death you can be hopeful.

The scene is relatively fast paced and a sense of tension is created right from the start because of the diegetic sounds used. The music is dramatic and there is a light sound of a hospital monitor, foreshadowing near future events and warning the audience.

Steph is the only woman to appear in the scene. Her reaction to Max’s death is quite erratic and she seems to be in denial for a moment. She says “no, no” suggesting that she doesn’t want it to be true and doesn’t want to face reality. This is quite a contrast to Max’s behaviour because he seems to be accepting of death. This presents women as quite dependent and emotional but not in a bad way.

After Max’s death, the camera tracks up to a tree and then to an intense white sky. The vivid white sky, along with the angelic church music, suggests that Max has gone to heaven. This reiterates the optimism that he showed just before death and suggests to the audience that there is hope in death. This could be seen as prejudice because some people do not believe in heaven and are not religious. The suggestion of it could be seen as quite closed minded and not considerate of a wide audience.

As the show is a teen drama, it is essential for them to make the scene not too graphic and make light of an awful situation that is why death isn’t shown as dark and daunting thing.

Following this, there is a video clip taken on a camcorder of Max at his wedding; the use of a camcorder makes it more personal because it is showing a moment in time, recorded by a close friend. This is something that people can relate to because special occasions are often videoed. The scene ends with Max making a statement about love; I think this was used to capture a “true” image of his personality and again show how positive he was. The scene is a celebration of his life rather than a mourning of his death.

Friday, 5 February 2010


Within our thriller opening there are two main characters, an unseen character and a character with an extra's part.

Character 1:

(Holly Dove) Femme Fatale. This Character is played by Holly Delaney. Her role is one that appears to be quite helpless within our opening. However, her character is a victim of abuse and someone who has mixed with the wrong crowd and so there is room for her deviant, dangerous behaviour to come out.

Character 2:

(Jason Viper) The Killer. This character is shadowed and not fully visable throughout most of the opening of the thriller to create tension and fear. His character is involved in money and is a mafia type. he is seeking revenge on the femme fatale's lover and social circle.

Unseen Character:
Lover. This character is the femme fatale's lover. He is murdered by the killer due to involvements in gambling, money etc. He is a apart of the bad crowd that the femme fatale is connected with.

Running man. This character is used as part of a red herring in our plot and merely runs by the femme fatale suspiciously, bumping into her.

Femme Fatale Character & Film Noir Conventions Within Our Thriller

In our Thriller, we have tried to make the femme fatale character conform to the conventional film noir femme fatale. In order to do this, we looked closely at the costumes used in existing film noirs that suggest a devient and glamorous woman. Looking into 40's costumes helped rather a lot. In the end we decided to put Holly in a faux fur coat, tights and slightly heeled vintage shoes. To accessroies this we made her wear a pearl necklace and a small black and gold clutch bag. As far as her hair goes, the group decided that she would look a lot more feminine with her hair down and the continuity when filming would be more precise because we were filming different parts on different days. The fur coat is very 40's and conforms to the film noir sub genre. Making her look very feminine created more of an illusion of the seductive, inticing woman that a femme fatale is defined as. A lot of inspiration came from the femme fatale in Once Upon a Time in America. Something we did not use was red lipstick, this is frequently used on femme fatale characters but we decided not to use it because when editing we are going to convert the footage into black and white.

Film noir primarily describes Hollywood crime dramas and they are filmed with a low key black and white iconic style. Both the narrative and cinematography of our Thriller opening conforms to this definition and there are certain generic convention that we utilised in order to create an authentic interpretation of the sub genre. The lighting, shadows and costume all have clear resemblences of the genre and the soundtrack that we are goint to use makes the era and sub genre even clearer. Elements of crime fiction are evident in our narrative and the inclusion of a femme fatale is something that solidifies the clarity of the genre.

Expectations of Characters in a Thriller Film

There are a lot of generic character types within the thriller genre. They make up tension and suspense and the development of their character and behaviour often is the main focus of the film. Conventional characters within the thriller genre include: criminal, stalkers, innocent victims (on the run), characters with dark pasts, down-on-their luck losers, defiant women, cops and escaped convicts, psychotic individuals, private eyes, femme fatales, terrorists, drug addicts and people involved in twisted relation ships.

A range of obvious characteristics are used to present the characters in quite a conventional and sometimes exaggerated way. Greed, jealousy, envy, pursuit, political conspiracy, murder and romantic entanglements are often the themes apparent within thrillers, relating to characters motives etc.

Shooting & Intitial to Final Ideas

As far as shooting goes, we got off to a bad start because of the weather. The snow meant that we could not film as we had scheduled; this created minor problems but has not affected the process. Everyone was able to make the filming however another problem occured when a member of our group quit sixth form. In order to resolve this, we have had to change around character parts and the cast list.

Our initial location idea was to have the opening to our thriller filmed down and around Elm Hill- this is somethign we have stuck to because it fits so well with the sub-genre of our film. The costumes and character planning has been followed and so the final outcome reflects our inital ideas quite well. We no longer have the 'lover character because of the problems that occured prior to filming- in order to keep our orginal plot we have just decided to leave him as an unseen chacter; he is still a key part of the story.

When finishing our filming, we are going to shoot at a slightly later time so that we can use lighting to create shadows. This is very important as it is a generic convention of film noir.

Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Investigating Sub-genres

Before the 10 participants of my questionnaire answered the question of their favoured sub-genre, I showed them examples of 5 different sub-genres to see which one the preferred. I also defined each of the sub-genres with a short description.

Crime Thriller: These films feature combined aspects of crime film and thriller film. They are based around successful or failed crimes and focus mainly on the criminal(s). However, there is often an important police/detective/inspector character. Murders, chases and robberies are common topic utilised in this sub-genre.

Examples: Se7en, Reservoir Dogs, Inside Man, Kalifornia

Action Thriller:
Action Thrillers are fast paced and sometimes prove to be a race against the clock. They contain a lot of violence, guns and use of special effects to create explosions etc.

Examples: Bourne Ultimatum, Bad Boys, The Transporter, James Bond

Gangster Thriller:
Gangster Thrillers usually include aspects of Action and Crime. They involve money, guns and vivid violence.

Example: Lucky Number Slevin

Film Noir:
Film Noirs are classically known to be black and white hollywood crime thrillers. The film noir period stretched from the early 1940's to the late 1950's. However, aspects of them are often utilised in contemporary thrillers.

Examples: Kiss Me Deadly, The Third Man, Citizen Kane, The Glass Key

Horror Thriller:
Horror Thrillers usually involve the character(s) being put in
danger but unrealistic creatures. Generally, their goal is to
destroy the creature in order to protect themselves and others.
They often incorporate elements of science fiction and fantasy also.

Examples: Children of Men, Cabin Fever, The Amityville Horror, Blade

Thursday, 14 January 2010

Audience Research

I am going to look into the audience's age and lifestyle
and find out about the relationship between them and how they consume films (and where) and how they hear about films (and what makes them want to see it)

I will create a questionnaire and analyse the results to find out how the use of audience segmentation can help us see how exhibition and marketing effects the audience. Also, how differences in the needs and wants of the target audience effects the way the product is marketed and exhibited to suit them.
Here are some pictures of the questionnaire and the results.

After looking at the results of my questionnaire it is clear that age and lifestyle determine how films are consumed and marketed.
Young people usually go to the cinema or watch DVD's. They are targeted differently to adults when marketed because they are a modern generation. Merchandise is used to win over really young children because they always want the latest thing out and adverts promoting this merchandise will cause children to craze their parents for such items. Tv and trailers appeal to all age ranges really as the majority of people watch television for several hours a day or week. I have found that music and supermarket choice were less influential when marketing for children, however fashion, culture and music seem to be taken into a lot of consideration when advertising for young men, young women and adults. This could be through things like the type of marketing or features that they include to grab the target audience's attention. For example: the soundtrack used on a trailer.
Young adults seen to have the largest intake of marketing types. 16-20 year olds have heard about films through a large selection of marketing methods, however the most successful appears to be the use of trailers. Magazines are another successful way to market films to the young adults apposed to newspapers and reviews which are likely to catch the attention of an older audience.
By asking people their favourite/ preferred supermarket to shop in, I can try to loosely determine their "class"- this is something else that might inform marketing choices. This would be done by catagorising the methods of marketing but futhermore, the catagories within the methods of marketing. For example: Magazines- what kind of magazine a certain film will be advertised in.
Social groups would influence the genre of film that people favoured. Genre wasn't something i looked at when creating my questionnaire, so the inclusion of social groups did not make much of an impact on the results.
All in all, from looking at my questionnaire, i have found that different age groups consume films in different ways and find certain marketing techniques more effective than others, meaning that audience must be segmented in order to meet the needs and wants of every group. The wide range of marketing options are there to cater for different individuals; age and lifestyle are definitely factors that influence this. However, there is a lot more to think about when it comes to audience. Exhibition runs in the same way, by segregating groups to market and exhibit films to. There is also a clear overlap in some group: marketing: exhibiting methods because there is always going to be people that do not fit the stereotype of the group and therefore a 12 year old could watch a film in the same way as a 32 year old and they could both find the same marketing method the most effective.

Monday, 11 January 2010

Location Shots

These photographs were taken by Ryan Mills and Sam Rogerson, both members of my production group.

All of these images were taken down Elm Hill in Norwich. We chose this particular location for our Thriller opening because it is quite a dark, narrow street meaning that crime could easily happen there. Also, the cobbled road is appropriate for our Film Noir genre- it is something that was inspired by the streets in The Third Man. The bars across the bottom of the church window could also show entrapment or imprisonment. The lack of lighting may be a problem, so when shooting, we must ensure to bring bright torches; This aspect is crucial for creating surgery. The old houses down Elm Hill are also very suitable for the genre. Ideally, we would like the cobbled road to be wet, something generic of the thriller genre, however the light that reflects off of the road creates the illusion of a wet street.


Director: David Fincher
Writer: Andrew Kevin Walker
Release Date: 5 january 1996 (UK)
Genre: Crime/ Drama/ Mystery/ Thriller
Production Comapany: New Line Cinema
Won- ASCAP Award, Saturn Award, Blue Ribbon Award, CFCA Award, Empire Award, International Fantasy Film Award, Golden Trailer, Hochi Film Award, ALFS Award, MTV Movie Award, NBR Award, NYFCC Award, Audience Award, Universe Reader's Choice Award

Nominated- Oscar, Saturn Award, ASC Award, Award of the Japanese Academy, BAFTA Film Award, Best Cinematography Award, Video Premiere Award, Image Award, MTV MOvie Award, OFCS Award

The beginning of Se7en starts with a close up of William Somerset's hands picking up various items at a crime scene; he wears a long coat and a hat which is a similar costume to those in The Third Man therefore suggesting that the character is quite traditional. His costume is detective looking and is out of place within the mise en scene as his partner Detective David Mills is a lot more contemporary looking as are the other characters.

The films acts a clock, ticking down time; 7 days precisely. William Somerset retires in seven days and the new detective David Mills has seven days to learn the ropes in a new city. The seven days corresponds with the title of the film Se7en. The credits include pens, handwriting and a black/white/ red colour scheme, all suggesting crime and the Thriller genre. The pens and paper suggest police involvement and clues and the connotations of red are danger, anger, blood. Black and white could be representative of bad and good. The two sides represented in crime and in thriller films.

The urban setting of the film is another suggestion of the genre as cities are often represented as a place of corruption and criminal activity. The tall buildings and industrial look of it create an unglamorous perspective of the location; the dark lighting in the mise en scene is another generic convention of the thriller genre that is utilised in the majority of thriller films. The use of torches in the dark at the crime scenes is an interesting use of lighting also. I like the fact that the shot is very drab and the only light in the mise en scene is the spotlight coming from the handheld torches that the detectives are carrying. The murky light makes the setting obscure which creates on going tension. The sound of rain is the most consistent diegetic sound in Se7en and I noticed that it was raining throughout the film, a convention of the thriller genre and use of pathetic fallacy.

The seven deadly sins are used as the theme of the crimes committed meaning that there is a lot of room for grotesque images. The first crime is that of Gluttony; in the mise en scene you see a morbidly obese man that had died from being force fed. The scene is dingy and unglamorous. Another diegetic sound that occurs is when the detectives are at a crime scene and you hear girls screaming, this again suggests the genre and causes suspicion of other crimes being committed within the city.

A lot of close ups of the characters' faces are used and the camera particularly focuses on the detectives' hands; these are essential close ups to inform the narrative and give the audience clues about the forth coming events of the film. One of my favourite shots within the film is the tracking shot of Morgan Freeman walking through the library. Within this scene there are extreme close ups of pages of books focusing and highlighting words relating to the seven deadly sins and the relation of the crimes.

Violence, drugs and mental health issues are all addressed within the film which is generic to see within the thriller genre, especially within the characters of the films. Corruption from the detectives and police force is also evident in the narrative when a friend of Morgan Freeman's character finds information in the FBI files to aid the resolution of the case. Corrupt authorities are often used in thrillers and has proved to be a generic characteristic of the thriller genre. Corruption of authorities is something that has been utilised within crime fictions also, for example: The Big Sleep. The main character Marlowe is a very corrupt detective, working in a very unordinary manner and relying on vices to get through the day.

A chase sequence happens within Se7en, something that has been seen in other Thriller films, such as The Third man. Shadows and reflections are another feature used a lot in the thriller genre and it is used in this film through a puddle, the image is obscured by the rain which creates apprehension. Ironically, religion is presented in the film which is opposed by the use of guns and brutality within it.

Nearing the end of the film, the "good guys" ( two detectives) have a change in morality where their attitudes change; both characters seem to let the case get to them and they become more aggressive, swapping their calm, professional attitudes to ones similar to the criminals they are trying to catch. This transition is evident when Morgan Freeman's character throws his pendulum and when he uses a knife as a substitute for a dart on a dart board. A change in morality and/or epiphany is usually seen or realised near the end of films; a change in a characters personality or behaviour is seen often within the thriller genre.